Vocal Department

WU, Qian-qing 吳倩晴


Head of Vocal Department


WU, Qian-qing joined the treble choir when she was a child. She received formal vocal training at the age of 13. In 1999, Wu was admitted by Xinghai Conservatory of Music, department of vocal studies under the guidance of the famous mezzo-soprano, Professor Chen, Xiao. Qian-qing was an active performer with Guangdong Opera and Dance Drama Theatre. One of her performances was acting Cherubino in “Le Nozze Di Figaro”, the debut given in Guangzhou Xinghai Concert Hall since the inauguration. After her graduation, Qian-qing was employed as a tutor under the department of music by South China Agricultural University. In 2008, Qian-qing won a full scholarship to further her studies at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts under the guidance of Mr. Brian Montgomery and the famous soprano, Professor Katusha Tsui-Fraser. She was the main actress of “Carmen” which was presented in 2009 at the Lyric Theatre of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2010, Wu was admitted to attend the master class by the world-class soprano, Ms. Kiri Kanawa. Qian-qing won the second place in The 2nd Chinese Peafowl Award at the same year.

吳倩晴自幼加入童聲合唱團,十三歲開始接受系統的聲樂訓練。1999年考入星海音樂學院聲樂表演系,師從著名女中音陳曉教授。曾多次跟隨廣東省歌劇舞劇院參加各類大型演出,並在星海音樂廳落成後的首次歌劇演出 -《費加羅的婚禮》中飾演凱魯比諾。本科畢業後,在華南農業大學音樂系從事聲樂導師的工作。2008年考獲全額奬學金於香港演藝學院聲樂系修讀碩士課程,先後師從男中音歌唱家孟浩文先生及著名女高音徐慧女士。2009年吳氏在香港演藝學院歌劇院公演的歌劇《卡門》中飾演女主角,2010年入選世界第一女高音Kanawa聲樂大師班課程。同年獲得第二屆中國聲樂孔雀奬銀奬。



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